In 2020, there is a high justification of short-term forecasts

IconPublished 27.01.2021

One of the main tasks of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan is to warn state bodies and the population about the threat of natural and dangerous hydrometeorological phenomena, as well as to provide short-term weather forecasts. Notification of the population, ministries, departments, akimats and other public services that require data on meteorological weather forecasts is a mandatory activity of specialists of the Hydrometeorological Center of RSE "Kazhydromet" and its regional branches
There are 15 of them in each region of Kazakhstan. Over the past 2020, 47 storm warnings were issued about the threat of natural hydrometeorological events and 2249 about dangerous weather events. According to the analysis, the forecasts for the day, two or three in 2020 were justified by 92-97%.
RSE "Kazhydromet" draws the attention of Kazakhstanis to be careful on the roads. Do not neglect information about storm warnings before traveling outside of populated areas. And to the extent possible, refrain from outdoor activities in the event of a stormy weather announcement of increased wind and low temperatures.

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