RSE "Kazhydromet" has published a preliminary advisory hydrological forecast as of February 01, 2021

IconPublished 04.02.2021

Preliminary consultative hydrological forecast on the expected volumes of spring runoff, developed based on hydrometeorological observations and measurements as of February 01, 2021. The main hydrological forecast for the spring period will be developed in March 2021 and will be provided on a weekly basis.
The volume of moisture reserves in the basins of the rivers below average long-term values for 14-49% of the Karaganda region, 19-46% of Akmola region, 10% in North Kazakhstan region, 9-52% in Kostanay region (except R. toguzak where above average long-term values at 17%) 28-64% in the Aktobe region, 78% of Atyrau region in the basin of the river Emba. In the West Kazakhstan region, the basins of the Utva, Chizha-2, Olenty and Shiderty rivers are within the average long-term values. In the basins of the Derkul and Shagan rivers, the average annual values are 13-16% lower.
In the East Kazakhstan region, in the river basins of the Bukhtarma reservoir zone, the tributary of the Shchulba reservoir, and on the southwestern slopes of the Tarbagatai ridge, the average annual values are 26-49% lower. On the left-bank tributaries of the Ertis River within the long-term average values.
In the mountains of Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, the average long-term values are 40-82% lower.
In the mountains of Almaty region, the average long-term values are 25-56% lower.
It should be noted that the process of snow accumulation in the river basins will continue in February and March.
In the case of high temperature background and heavy rains in February, high talo-rain floods are possible along the mountain rivers of the south, south-east and east of Kazakhstan.
A detailed advisory hydrological forecast can be found on the official website of RSE "Kazhydromet" by clicking on the link

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