Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of January 2021

IconPublished 05.02.2021

In the third decade of January, an increase in the temperature background was observed in the predominant territory of Kazakhstan. In the north and in the center of the country, the average decadal air temperature was mainly 1...3 ° C higher than the long-term, and only in places 1...2 ° C lower. In the west and east, it was 2...5 ° C higher than the long-term temperature, in the mountainous and foothill areas of the south-east it was about normal or 1...2 ° C higher. And in most of the Zhambyl region it was colder than usual by 1 ° C, and only in places in the south of the region by 1...2 ° C the temperature was higher than long-term. In the Kyzylorda region, the temperature was observed below the long-term values by 1 ... 3 ° C.
At the same time, during the decade in the north of the country, the temperature in some places dropped to minus 38 ... 42 ° C, and in the south in some places reached plus 12 ... 18 ° C.
Almost the entire territory of the Republic of precipitation fell about and above normal. Heavy precipitation occurred in the mountainous and foothill areas of East Kazakhstan, Almaty and Turkestan regions.
The height of the snow cover in the west of Kazakhstan ranged from 3-12 cm to 16-29 cm, in the north 10-25 cm, in some places up to 40 cm, in the center 7-24 cm, in the flat part in the east 12-25 cm, in some places reaching up to 51-56 cm. In the flat zone of Almaty region 6-14 cm, in mountainous areas up to 15-50 cm. In the south, it is mostly snowless – in the Turkestan region in places 1-22 cm, in the Kyzylorda region 1-9 cm and in the mountainous and foothill areas of the Zhambyl region 1-12 cm
The depth of soil freezing in the northern regions was 66-106 cm, sometimes reaching 150 cm, in the west of the country 37-99 cm, in the center 64-150 cm, in the east 60-116 cm. In the mountainous areas of the East Kazakhstan region, the soil froze up to 138 cm, in the south-east of the country 60-71 cm, in the mountainous and foothill areas of the Almaty region up to 80-115 cm. In the mountainous and foothill areas of the Zhambyl region, 12-63 cm, in the southern regions, the soil froze to 16-63 cm in places.
The results of determining the viability of plants as of January 20 showed that the crops were not damaged in the areas of Almaty and Zhambyl regions that we observed. In the Turkestan region, the conditions for overwintering of winter crops were less favorable, as a result of freezing and non-compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, the sparseness of crops in some places reached 11-56%.
In the third decade of January, animals were grazed in most of the observation points of pasture livestock. Animals continue to be kept in the stable in the Arkalyk district of the Kostanay region. However, due to a heavy blizzard and snowfall, grazing was complicated in some areas of Zhambyl, Karaganda, Mangistau, Atyrau, Karaganda and Turkestan regions.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of January 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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