Storm warning

IconPublished 10.03.2021

On the night of March 12, a low-level snowstorm is expected in places in Karaganda and Akmola regions. March 12-13: fog in places. On March 13, the wind is south-westerly with a transition to north-easterly in places 15-20, gusts of 25 m/s. In the period of March 11-13, a sharp drop in air temperature is expected from 7-12, sometimes 16 frost to 22-27, sometimes 30 frost.
On March 13-14, heavy precipitation (rain, snow), fog, and ice are expected in places in the Turkestan region. The wind is south-westerly with a transition to north, north-easterly in the afternoon on March 12 for most of the day, March 13-14 in places 15-20, gusts of 23-28 m/s, in the afternoon on March 12 in mountainous areas gusts of 30 m / s or more. In the afternoon of March 13, a sharp drop in air temperature is expected from 16-21, sometimes 6-11 heat, to 3-8 heat, sometimes 0-5 frost.

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