Brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of March 2021

IconPublished 17.03.2021

In the first decade of March, in the south, south-east and west of the republic, in the areas of winter crops cultivation, the temperature background was higher than normal, precipitation fell mainly more than normal.
In the observed areas in the Turkestan region, the resumption of vegetation of winter crops is noted. In the West Kazakhstan region, winter grain crops in the past decade were under a snow cover with a height of 22 to 34 cm, and the observed frosts (minus 16 ... 20C) were not dangerous for plants.
In the first decade of March, grazing of animals was carried out everywhere at the points of observation of pasture animal husbandry. Animals in Kostanay and Karaganda regions continue to be kept in stables.
The supply of feed to the wintering bases of animals continues in the Mangystau, Kyzylkoginsky and Almaty regions.
In the past decade, a thaw was observed in the west of the republic for 7 days. Icy phenomena on pastures one day were noted in the Karaganda region.
Due to fluctuations in air temperature (the daytime temperature rose to plus 2-3°C), an ice crust was observed on pastures in the West Kazakhstan region for 8 days, in the Atyrau region an ice crust was observed for 1 day.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of March 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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