Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of March 2021

IconPublished 29.03.2021

In the second decade of March, in the areas of winter crops cultivation, the temperature background was below normal: in the south and south-east of the republic by 1...7C, in the west by 2...6C. Precipitation fell everywhere, in the southern regions exceeded the ten-day norm, in the west of the country it was about normal.
In the Turkestan region, the observed areas are marked by the resumption of the growing season of winter crops. The condition of winter wheat is generally good everywhere.
In the West Kazakhstan region, there was a slight increase in air temperature and the presence of snow cover with a height of 25-32 cm, which contributed to the normal passage of overwintering of winter grain crops.
The minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node (3 cm) of winter wheat in the Almaty region was from 0 C to minus 6 C (MS Kyrgyzsay), in the Zhambyl region 0 C and in the Turkestan region from 0 C to plus 1 C (MS Shymkent).
In the second decade of March, grazing of animals was carried out everywhere at the points of observation of pasture animal husbandry. The supply of feed to the wintering bases of the animals continues.
In the past decade, a thaw was observed in the west of the republic for 6 days.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of March 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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