All suppliers of goods, works, and services

IconPublished 14.04.2021

RSE" Kazhydromet "guided by the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan" On Combating Corruption " dated January 18, 2015 No. 410-V, "On the procedure for considering appeals of individuals and legal entities" dated January 12, 2007 No. 221, in order to prevent corruption manifestations in RSE "Kazhydromet" and its branches (hereinafter referred to as the Enterprise) and prevent potential corruption risks, conflicts of interests of employees of the Enterprise, adhering to the principles of forming an anti-corruption culture, compliance with business ethics and irreconcilable attitude to manifestations of corruption actions at all levels of corporate governance, informs you of the following:
1. Any requests regarding the supply of goods and materials, the provision of services and the performance of works must be made by means of a written request in paper and/or electronic form by sending it to the postal addresses or e-mail addresses of the Company's Offices. Official contacts are available on the website, in the Contacts tab.
2. Communication by telephone is carried out only by the service numbers specified in the above-mentioned "Contacts" tab.
3. If it is necessary to organize a meeting at the initiative of the Supplier, a corresponding letter is sent to the First Head of the Enterprise and/or the person of his replacement or Branch, indicating the topic of the issue under discussion, the time and the desired place of the meeting. The first head of the Enterprise and / or Branch, and / or the person replacing him, if the format, place and topic planned for discussion are in accordance with the current anti-corruption legislation, makes a positive decision and, if not, a negative decision to hold a meeting with the provision of a written response to the requested individual or legal entity.

Compliance Specialist
RSE "Kazhydromet" N. Shiyap

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