Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of April 2021

IconPublished 24.04.2021

In the second decade of April, in the south and south-east of Kazakhstan, in the areas of winter wheat cultivation, the prevailing warm weather with short-term precipitation was favorable for the growth and development of plants.
In the observed areas in the Almaty region, the condition of winter wheat crops is excellent and good, and weeds appear on the crops around the Akkainar MS. Phase of development: 3rd leaf-exit into the tube (stemming).
In the Zhambyl region, the condition of winter wheat crops in the observed areas is excellent and good. Phases of development: 3rd leaf-exit into the tube (stemming).
In the Turkestan region, in the observed areas, the condition of winter wheat crops is generally good, around the AMP Ekpenda is satisfactory. Phase of development: formation of nodal roots – stemming.
In the south and south-east of the republic, the warm weather with precipitation was also favorable for the growth and development of spring grain crops. However, the past precipitation somewhat hindered the completion of spring field work.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2st decade of April 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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