Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of April 2021

IconPublished 08.05.2021

In the third decade of April, in the south and south-east of the republic, moderately warm weather with precipitation was favorable for the growth and development of spring grain crops. In the observed areas in the Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, the sowing of spring barley was completed.
In the Almaty region, in the observed areas during the decade, the early sowing of spring barley was marked by the phase: germination of grain-seedlings. The condition of the plants is assessed as excellent and good. The sowing of barley continues in the vicinity of Ushtobe, Uzynagash and Sarqand MS.
In the vicinity of MS Ushtobe, the sowing of spring wheat has begun, the early sowing phase is marked: the germination of grain-seedlings, the condition of the plants is good.
In the observed areas in the Zhambyl region, the condition of spring barley is everywhere excellent and good. The height of the plants reaches 8-13 cm, the development phase: shoots – tillering.
In the observed areas in the Turkestan region, the following phase is observed on spring barley crops: grain germination – seedlings, around MS Kazygurt-exit into the tube (stemming), where the height reaches 17 cm. The condition of the plants is generally good.
In the Kazalinsky district of the Kyzylorda region, the sowing of spring wheat has been completed, the quality of the sowing is good.
In the northern half of the country, at the beginning of the decade, they started preparing the soil for sowing spring crops (harrowing, cultivation). In the Karasu district (MS Karasu, MS Zheleznodorozhny), Naurzum (AMP Razdolnoye) and in the Zhitikarinsky district (MS Jetykara), soil freezing is noted.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of April 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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