Kazhydromet held a meeting with farmers in Taraz

IconPublished 19.05.2021

On May 19, 2021, specialists of RSE "Kazhydromet" presented a specially developed web application for farmers "AgroData.KZ" https://agrodata.kz in Taraz.
At the meeting with the participation of representatives of peasant farms of the Zhambyl region, Deputy head of the KSU "USH" of the Akimat of the Zhambyl region E. Kulekev, employees of the RSE "Kazhydromet" told about the work of the web application, conducted a training course. In particular, on the example of a single peasant farm, N. Loenko, director of the Department of Agrometeorological monitoring of Kazhydromet, conducted an introductory tour of the application. Examples of how it works were clearly shown. "AgroData.KZ".
The resource for the farmer allows you to get real-time information about soil moisture, soil surface temperatures and weather forecasts for the region.
After almost a year of operation of the web application, RSE "Kazhydromet" starts developing a mobile application for farmers. This is necessary, since the web application only works when the Internet is available, while the mobile application does not need constant access to the global network.
The second half of the meeting was held directly on the territory of the farms. The practical work of the agrometeorological department is directly related to the acquisition of data from the ground observation network of the National Hydrometeorological Service.
Farmers of Zhambyl region have already started testing "AgroData.KZ" we are ready for further cooperation and making suggestions for its improvement.

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