Cold northern streams will ease the heat

IconPublished 26.05.2021

On May 27, an anticyclone from the Kara Sea regions will begin to exert its influence on the western, northern, and from May 28 on the central and eastern regions of Kazakhstan. Fueled by cold northern streams, it will bring with it a decrease in air temperature: in the western regions at night to 10 ... 22°C, in the afternoon to 27...35°C, in the north, center and east of the country-at night to 5 ... 15°C, in the afternoon to 17...28°C of heat. There will be rain with thunderstorms, at night on May 28 in the East Kazakhstan region, sometimes heavy rains. A squally wind is also expected, and hail is possible.
However, the decrease in air temperature will not affect the southern regions of the republic. They will continue to be under the influence of warm air masses, and only under the influence of frontal sections in the south-east of the country there will be short-term rains with thunderstorms.

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