Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of May 2021

IconPublished 27.05.2021

In the areas of winter wheat cultivation in the south and south-east of the country, there were favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants.
In the Almaty region, in the observed areas, winter wheat was in the phase: the appearance of the lower stem node-earing. The height of the plants ranged from 25 to 51 cm, low-growing crops were around MS Sarkand and MS Uzunagash 12-13 cm. The condition of the plants everywhere is excellent and good.
In the observed areas of the Zhambyl region, mainly winter wheat reached the phase: stalking - the appearance of the lower stem node, in the vicinity of AMP Kordai – earing. The height of the plants reaches 32-50 cm, low-growing crops around MS Nurlykent and AMP Sarykemir up to 26 cm. The condition of the plants is generally good, in the vicinity of MS Kulan and MS Tolebi satisfactory. At the end of the decade, the wheat crops around MS Kulan were treated with weed herbicides and fertilized.
In the Turkestan region, winter wheat is in a phase: the appearance of the lower stem node-earing. The height of the plants reaches 31-51 cm, low-growing crops around MS Tasaryk 18 cm. The condition of the crops is mostly good, in the vicinity of AMP Ekpendy satisfactory.
In the current decade, winter wheat lags behind in growth and development compared to last year for this decade. This was influenced by the late timing of sowing, due to the aridity of the soil in the autumn period, as well as the late spring of this year.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of May 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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