Working group on the development of solutions to the issues of the agricultural sector of the Mangystau region

IconPublished 31.05.2021

In the period of May 27-29, 2021, the General Director of the RSE "Kazhydromet" Alimbayeva D. K., the director of the Research Center Abaev N. N., the director of the branch of the RSE "Kazhydromet" for the Mangystau region Tuleugalieva A. B. participate in the working group on the development of solutions to the issues of the agricultural sector of the Mangystau region.

In accordance with the program of the working group, at a meeting with entrepreneurs and agricultural specialists of Tupkaragan, Mangisatau, Karakiyansky districts of Mangistau region on agricultural issues, the issues of pasture conditions, forage harvesting for the upcoming winter period, and the arid situation in the region were raised and discussed. During the meeting, the RSE "Kazhydromet" presented the results of hydrometeorological studies on the assessment of changes in climatic characteristics in the region to the residents of the region, entrepreneurs, and agricultural specialists.

Representatives of the working group took part in the meeting of the Regional Council of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Mangystau region "On issues of the agro-industrial complex in the region" with the participation of the Governor of the region S. Trumov.

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