June 5 - World Environment Day, Ecologist's Day!

IconPublished 05.06.2021

Environmental issues are becoming increasingly important all over the world.

June 5, 1972-the opening day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

On this day, the General Assembly calls on the UN to hold annual events on this day, confirming their commitment to the preservation and improvement of the environment.

As part of the celebration, the Ministry of Ecology, geology and natural resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan held the action "Birge Taza Kazakhstan".​

The event was attended by more than 120 thousand people across Kazakhstan. 492 locations were identified in the republic.

Kazhydromet employees also took part in the cleaning day dedicated to the professional holiday.

We sincerely congratulate all ecologists on their professional holiday!

Only together we will make our Kazakhstan cleaner!

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