Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of June 2021

IconPublished 24.06.2021

In the south of the country, in the areas of winter wheat cultivation in the first decade of June, there were less favorable conditions for the formation of grain. Against the background of high air temperature and precipitation below the norm, the normal transition from one phase to another will be complicated, which can lead to the formation of small and puny grain and, accordingly, will lead to a decrease in the yield of winter wheat.
In the Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, the "earing" – "milk ripeness" phase was noted in winter wheat, the plant height reaches 45-90 cm. The condition of the crops is mostly good, in some places satisfactory, where the appearance of weeds is noted. The total number of stems per 1 sq. m. is from 128 to 598 pcs., the number of stems with an ear is from 123 to 541 pcs. The average number of spikelets in an ear of winter wheat is 15-19 pcs. , of which up to 2 pcs. are underdeveloped. The average number of grains in an ear of winter wheat is 21-33 pcs., (Turkestan region).
In the first decade of June, all grain-growing regions of the northern part of the republic completed the sowing of spring grain crops. During the decade, hot weather with short-term precipitation was observed throughout Kazakhstan, except for the West Kazakhstan, Aktobe and East Kazakhstan regions, where precipitation fell above normal. Such meteorological conditions were generally satisfactory for the growth and development of spring grain crops, herbicides were used everywhere to treat crops against weeds.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2st decade of June 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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