Brief agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of June 2021

IconPublished 06.07.2021

In the third decade of June, not very favorable conditions for the formation and filling of grain were observed in the areas of winter wheat cultivation, due to the high air temperature.
At the observed sites in the southern regions, the phase of "milk ripeness" - "full ripeness" was noted in winter wheat, the plant height reaches 45-88 cm. The condition of wheat is mostly excellent and good, in some places satisfactory, there are a lot of weeds, the oppression of cultivated plants is noticeable. The total number of stems with an ear is from 112 to 775 pieces. The average number of spikelets in an ear of winter wheat is 12-20 pcs. , of which up to 3 pcs. are underdeveloped. The average number of grains in an ear of wheat was 20-37 pcs., the total number of puny grains was up to 10 %. The mass of 1000 grains reaches from 24.6 to 55.9 grams, the grain moisture content is 13-16 %. They started water-charging irrigation on wheat crops in the vicinity of the Narynkol stations of the Almaty region, harvesting in the vicinity of the Sarykemir and Kordai agricultural posts of the Zhambyl region and the Ekpendi agricultural post of the Turkestan region.
During the decade, hot weather with precipitation was observed throughout Kazakhstan, good humidification conditions due to precipitation above the norm were observed in Pavlodar, East Kazakhstan region, in the north-east of Karaganda region, in mountainous and foothill areas of Almaty region, herbicides continue to treat crops against weeds everywhere. The high temperature background in the north and in the center of the country leads to premature yellowing of the leaves of the lower tiers of wheat and barley.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of June 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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