Advisory weather forecast for the season

IconPublished 02.04.2024

Seasonal weather forecast for the territory of Kazakhstan for spring and summer 2024


In April and May, in most of the country, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be above normal by 1 °, precipitation in April is expected to be higher than normal in most of the territory of the republic, about normal in the northeast, in the center of the country and in the north of the southern regions, in May, precipitation is forecast in most about the climatic norm.
In spring, the weather can bring winter surprises, because during the transition season, synoptic processes are extremely unstable. Due to the influence of cyclones from the south of the Caspian Sea and from the European territory of Russia, precipitation is expected: at night in the form of rain and snow, during the day in the form of rain, and in the southern regions with inflows of cold air masses, frosts are likely.
In June, the monthly average air temperature is forecast to be 1-2 ° above normal in most of the republic, i.e. hotter than usual, near normal in the western part of the country.
In July and August, the average monthly air temperature in Kazakhstan is expected to be about normal, only in August - in the south and south-east of the country above the norm by 1 °.
If at the beginning of summer in June, according to the preliminary forecast, precipitation is expected to be less than normal in most parts of Kazakhstan, then in July and August in most regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan precipitation is predicted to be about and more than normal, less than normal in the south-west and in the southern half of the country in July, and in August - in the center, on south and south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The seasonal weather forecast is a description of the averaged meteorological parameters in terms of air temperature and precipitation, expressed as a deviation (anomaly) from climatic norms for the season in question, it should be used as an advisory, which is specified by forecasts for shorter periods (quarterly seasonal forecast, month, decade, week and day).

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