About The Hydrometeorological Center

The weather center is the main production unit of RSE "Kazhydromet", the most important task is the prediction of dangerous and natural hydrometeorological phenomena with maximum advance warning of government bodies, sectors of the economy and the population about these phenomena with the aim of preventing deaths and reduce economic losses, preparation of short, medium and long-term weather forecasts in Kazakhstan.

The hydrometeorological center is headed by the Director

The structure of the hydrometeorological center includes three Departments:

- Manage short-term weather forecasts;

- Manage long-term weather forecasts;

- Central dispatch service.

The office of short-term weather forecasts operates around the clock, online 7/24. Issues weather forecasts for various periods, storm warnings about dangerous, natural weather events, sudden weather changes, which are evaluated daily according to the guidance documents of RSE "Kazhydromet".

The office currently issues the following forecasts:

- short-term weather forecast for 1, 2-3 days;

- medium-term weather forecast for 7 days;

- storm warnings about dangerous, natural weather events and sudden weather changes;

- daily weather Bulletin.

In the preparation of short and medium term weather forecasts, storm warnings forecasters UKPP use of SYNOPTIC weather maps, satellite images, European center, Chinese Meteorological Agency and meteorological research center "Planeta", the mesoscale numerical model WRF, a global numerical model of the European centre for medium-range weather forecasts.

The office of long-term weather forecasts issues long-term weather forecasts based on the year-analog method, numerical hydrodynamic models of 13 world forecast centers, products of hydrodynamic models of the Regional North-Eurasian climate center, the Main Geophysical Observatory and the hydrometeorological center of Russia.

The Department issues the following forecasts:

- for a decade

- for a month

- for the season-for the warm half-year (April-October); for the cold half-year (November - March)

The Central dispatching service whose main task is to promptly provide state bodies and institutions, mass media and interested organizations, as well as the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with information about dangerous weather events, actual weather and weather forecast.