The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)
The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO was established in 1961.
Its purpose is to enhance marine research, exploitation and development, by facilitating the exchange of oceanographic data and information between participating Member States, and by meeting the needs of users for data and information products.
The IODE programme coordinates a global network of more than 100 National Oceanographic Data Centres (NODCs), Associate Data Units (ADUs) and Associate Information Units (AIUs). These centres manage and make available millions of ocean observations that contribute to ocean data products and services developed and used by other IOC programmes, supporting a wide range of applications for the ocean community and society in general.
Information about the activities of the IODE is presented on the website:
RSE “Kazhydromet” is the National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of Kazakhstan and is working to collect, preserve, provide access to oceanographic data of the Caspian Sea, etc.
The coordinator of the international oceanographic data and information exchange from Kazakhstan is Yeltay Azat, , 8 (717) 798312.