In a regular column on professional devices of RSE "Kazhydromet" today to talk about Acoustic Doppler profilerate

IconPublished 02.10.2020

Mobile profilographs are used to measure the flow rate and depth and water in rivers and open watercourses.

The principle of operation of profilographs is based on the supply of a short ultrasonic signal of a fixed frequency to the water. Reflectors (particles) present in the water return the signal to the Profiler sensor. The reflected pulse has a frequency shift proportional to the flow rate. The ultrasonic signal of the Profiler divides the water column vertically into many discrete segments. To obtain a vertical velocity plot (profile), the reflected pulse is processed for each segment.
The reflected signal is digitized using the SOFTWARE into an array of points. Based on the data obtained, various characteristics of the water flow are calculated at a local point and over the entire depth. In the future, based on the data obtained, the flow passing through the cross-section of the watercourse is subtracted.
To move the profilographs in the cross section of the hydrometric target, various devices and swimming facilities can be used: a boat, a boat, a catamaran, etc.
Data transfer from the Profiler is usually performed via a wireless connection. The control panel can be used as specialized pocket computers or laptops equipped with a specialized transmitter.
This measurement method is based on the Doppler effect, named after the Austrian mathematician and physicist Christian Andres Doppler, who first proved the dependence of the frequency of sound and light vibrations perceived by the observer on the speed and direction of movement of the wave source and the observer relative to each other.

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