
City: Elenovka

Region: Akmola region

Icon-10-15, in the east of the region -18 °C
No precipitation. Fog in the west and northeast of the region.
Icon northeast
The wind speed :
9-14, in the west, north of the region gusts of 15-20m/s
Icon-1-6, in the north of the region -9 °C
In the west and south of the region there is snow and ground blizzard. In the west and north-east of the region there is fog.
Icon-8-13, in the west and south of the region -5 °C
There is snow in the west, north, and south of the region, as well as a snowstorm. There is fog in the south and east of the region.
Icon south-east
The wind speed :
9-14, in the west, north, east of the region 15-20m/s
Icon-3+2, in the north of the region -6 °C
In the west, north, and south of the region, precipitation (rain, snow), a snowstorm, and ice. There is fog in the south and east of the region.
Icon-3-8, in the east of the region -11 °C
There is snow in the west, north, and south of the region, as well as a snowstorm. There is fog in the south and east of the region.
Icon south-east
The wind speed :
9-14, in the west, north, east of the region 15-20m/s
Icon-3+2, in the north of the region -6 °C
Precipitation (rain, snow), ground snow, ice. Fog in the south and east of the region.
Current weather