Краткий агрометеорологический обзор за 3-ю декаду марта 2021 года

IconЖарияланды 03.04.2021

Everywhere in the southern half of Kazakhstan, against the background of positive air temperatures and heavy precipitation, the active spring vegetation of winter wheat continues.
At the observed sites in the Almaty region, winter wheat is in the phase: germination-tillering. The condition of the plants is mostly good, in the vicinity of MS Taldykorgan satisfactory. In the Zhambyl region, in the observed areas, the condition of winter wheat is excellent and good, the development phase: seedlings - the 3rd leaf. In the observed areas in the Turkestan region, the condition of winter wheat is generally good. In the West Kazakhstan region, there was a slight increase in air temperature, which favours the passage of overwintering of winter grain crops.
Precipitation throughout the country contributed to an increase in moisture reserves in the soil, but somewhat hindered the implementation of spring field work in the southern regions. In the Turkestan region, after preliminary tillage, they started sowing spring barley.
The increase in air temperature in the east, west and center of the republic contributed to the melting of snow in the fields, precipitation above normal will contribute to the replenishment of moisture in the soil.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of March 2021 can be found by clicking on the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/agrometeorology/kratkiy-obzor-agrometeoologicheskih-usloviy

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